Project Description

Project Name: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk District Heating Project – Project Implementation Support, Design and Contract Supervision
Country: Russian Federation
Period: 3/2014 - 9/2016
Client: EBRD, Sakhalin Utility Company
Provided services description:
The overall budget of this project is 588,4 million Rubles. Investments are provided for the following components:
› Rehabilitation of pipelines from TPP-11;
› Reconstruction of IHS including installation of technological heat meters;
› Reconstruction of TPP;
› Supply and installation of SCADA.
Services include:
› Capacity building (Support in establishing a PIU and training),
› Monitoring and update of the Project Implementation Plan,
› Review of designs and development of the Employer’s requirements and technical specifications,
› Procurement support including preparation of tender documents, administration of the tender process, tender evaluation and selection of contractors, contract finalization,
› Support in insuring compliance with financial and other agreements applicable to the Project,
› Administration of contracts and construction supervision.

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More information about us:

We provide consulting services for Russian and international customers: private, state and non-state


Our customers and clients are international financial organizations, as well as industrial and municipal enterprises


Our offices are located in four countries. The head office is located in the very center of Moscow.

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