Project Description

Project Name: Construction of a Coal Preparation Plant, Saryarka Ferroalloy Plant with a Sintering Plant and Modernisation of Existing Production. Cost Monitoring and Management Services.
Country: Kazakhstan
Period: 05/2021 - ongoing
Client: KDB / «Qaz Carbon» LLP
Provided services description:
The Project objective is to construct a coal preparation plant and a ferroalloy plant with a sintering plant and modernise the existing production in Karaganda Region of Kazakhstan, overall project budget is KZT 50 706,5 million. The Project is aimed to meet the local and global demand for energy resources in metallurgical production. The coal preparation plant with a capacity of 300 t/hour is designed for coal washing with magnetite addition to derivate several end products with increased organic matter content or decreased dirt content (ash content). Production output will be 560 thousand tons of end products per year. 51% of them will be sold to a company producing silicious iron – YDD Corporation, Karaganda. 25% will be used as raw material by Qaz Carbon for low-temperature coke production. Another 24% will be sold to Chiaturmanganum Georgia. The Project involves the construction of a new ferroalloy production shop: ferrosilicon manganese and silicious iron 45% in the city of Karaganda with loading rooms, of a production capacity 57,000 tons per year, 156 tons per day.
The Project “Construction of a Coal Preparation Plant, a Ferroalloy Plant with a Sintering Plant and Modernisation of Existing Production” involves the following projects:
1) Construction of Saryarka Ferroalloy Plant with a Sintering Plant in Karaganda Region of Kazakhstan, Qaz Carbon LLP (Karaganda)
2) Extension of the Smelter with the Reconstruction of Existing Buildings and Structures, Qaz Carbon LLP, Karaganda Region, the city of Karaganda, Oktabr’skiy District, “Oktyabr’skaya Industrial Area”.
3) Construction, landscaping and further operation of an exhibition centre with office premises in the city of Karaganda, district named after Kazybek Bi, Bukhar Zhyrau Ave, build. 32/3.
4) Reconstruction of the plant management office building.
5) Substation 110/6 kV of the plant.
6) Heat supply line to Qaz Carbon LLP.
7) External power supply to the smelter of Qaz Carbon LLP in the city of Karaganda.
8) Construction and further operation of Karaganda City office complex, district named after Kazybek Bi, Loboda Str., land lot 35/1. Garage.
9) Coal preparation plant with a capacity of 300 t/hour, Qaz Carbon LLP.
Description of the services:
› provision of recommendations with respect to cost estimates, as well as to determination of functions and duties of all contract parties;
› check of the contract terms for compliance with the RK legislation, cost estimate and provisions of the financing agreement;
› check of any documents related to the Project according to the construction contract;
› check of procurements for compliance with the Employer’s internal documents and selection of a contractor according thereto;
› check and provision of information on price level of construction and installation works’ unit rates under the Project, if applicable;
› check of intended use of the Bank’s loan funds for design, construction, installation and commissioning works, equipment and material supply, and other expenses during the Project implementation;
› Project-related risk assessment and any recommended mitigating measures;
› monthly evaluation of payments made under the Project and verification of appropriate use of the payments in accordance with the cost estimate;
› control over the Project implementation and quarterly provision in corresponding reports of confirming information that there is no substantial cost overrun as per the cost estimate;
› preparation of a report on addressing/non-addressing of comments made during the Project monitoring;
› verification of fulfilment of the Borrower’s and contractors’ obligations under the Bank-funded contracts by checking Account Reconciliation Statements (in addition to other primary documents);
› analysis and control of compliance with the construction time schedule;
› check for availability and completeness of design and estimate documents;
› analysis and certification of equity investment and investment from other financing sources (if any), check for availability of funds required for financing;
› certification of range and scope of performed works, rendered services, supplied equipment, materials, etc., acceptance statements of design and other as-built documents;
› check of additional scopes of construction works, services, supplied equipment and materials exceeding the Project value, as well as verification/denial of their necessity/rationale and cost;
› preparation of inception, final and interim reports.

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