Project Description

Project Name: Khatlon Energy Loss Reduction Project – PIU Consultancy Services
Country: Republic of Tajikistan
Period: 06/2020 - ongoing
Client: EBRD / OSHC “Barqi Tojik”
Provided services description:
The Project implementation is in the framework of the sovereign loan to the national electricity distribution company of Tajikistan - АО “Shabakahoi Taksimoti Barq”, established as part of the on-going unbundling of OSHC “Barqi Tojik” (BT), the national power utility, into transmission, generation and distribution, will be the Project implementing entity. The Project is co-financed by investment grant from EU /Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA).
The official commencement date for the provision of services under the Consultancy Contract is 10 June 2020.
The Project objective is to replicate and scale-up the successful Sugd Energy Loss Reduction Project in Bokhtar and Kulob regions to (i) address the most urgent needs for replacement of aged infrastructure, especially those with health & safety concerns, (ii) contribute towards reduction of distribution network losses resulting in financial savings and CO2 emissions savings, and (iii) improve accounting of electricity usage and cash collection discipline, working towards making the national utility company financially more self-sustainable.
The Project includes the following components:
1. Rehabilitation of distribution lines 0,4 kV single circuit (ABC) and primary Metering Infrastructure in the cities of Kulob and Bokhtar including surroundings;
2. Substations 110/35/10 kV in Kulob;
3. Rehabilitation of workshops;
4. Supply and Installation of centralized Metering and Billing System for the cities of Kulob and Bokhtar.
The assignment of the Consultant includes following main activities:
- Development of full packages of procurement documents including detailed technical requirements;
- Support of procurement process according to EBRD’s rules;
- Assistance in the finalization of contracts for consultancy services, supply of goods and procurement of works; and
- Construction supervision over the signed contracts’ implementation.

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