Project Description

Project Name: Kyrgyzstan Climate Resilience Irrigation Project – Feasibility Study (Phase 2 – ESIA & Hydrology)
Country: Kyrgyz Republic
Period: 9/2019 - 04/2020
Client: EBRD, Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement under the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Improvement of Kyrgyz Republic
Provided services description:
The Kyrgyz Republic is a lower-middle income country. It has one of the poorest economies and is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change impacts in the Central Asia region. In July 2017, the Government adopted the National Irrigation Programme for 2017-2026, according to which new climate resilience irrigation infrastructure shall be built throughout Kyrgyzstan. The National Irrigation Programme for 2017-2026 includes 45 irrigation systems across the country. The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has requested the EBRD to finance priority investment irrigation schemes (the Project) in the project area in Jalal-Abad, Osh, Batken and Naryn provinces in total approx. 15,000 ha, spread over nine Irrigation Schemes.
During Phase 1 of the Project CECT (together with Atkins) have conducted feasibility study for all the nine schemes including preparation of Priority Investment Programme (PIP). As part of the PIP, ESIA scoping was undertaken on these nine schemes and an ESIA Scoping Report prepared. Five schemes were identified to be taken forward into the PIP. An ESIA was then undertaken on these five schemes.
Main activities:
• Secondary data review;
• Field surveys: three hydrology flow surveys (during low-flow season);
• Water quality and soils – sampling and analysis;
• Mapping of water users;
• Surveys of baseline environmental conditions;
• Input into Ecology survey and Social/stakeholder engagement;
• Input into detailed hydrological modelling;
• Impact assessment and identification of mitigation measures;
• Deliverables included: Hydrology surveys’ reports; ESIA Report, comprising an overarching report and five scheme-specific reports; Non-technical summary; Stakeholder engagement plan; Environmental and social management and monitoring plan; and an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP).

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