Project Description

Project Name: Namangan and Horezm Oblasts Water and Wastewater Modernization Project – Feasibility study
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan
Period: 01/2018 - 12/2018
Client: EBRD, SUE “Department for Management of Interregional Tuyamuyun-Urgench Water Main”, SUE “Namangan Suvokova” , Agency “Kommunkhizmat”
Provided services description:
The overall Project objective is to provide an overview of the Companies’ procedures and technical, operational, environmental, social, and financial performance, and to form the basis for agreeing on the Companies’ restructuring objectives in the loan document (e.g. reduction in water losses, improvements in tariff collections, standards of treatment, etc.). For Namangan and Horezm Oblasts the PIP focuses on water supply and wastewater components. Total capex financing is estimated at USD 60 million to Horezm Suvokova and USD 60 million to Namangan Suvokova.
Services within the FS include:
› Baseline Study: review of the present management practices of the Companies and status of the water and wastewater services in the Oblasts so as to identify and assess any risks that are associated with the Company and its existing operations, including (i) socio-economic data; (ii) organisational and institutional review; (iii) tariff setting and subsidy payment policy; (iv) affordability; and (v) resilience to climate change.
› Technical Assessment: (i) water supply, treatment and distribution; and (ii) wastewater collection and treatment
› Long Term Investment Strategy: outline a long-term investment strategy, including (i) service objectives, standards and policies; and (ii) long-term institutional development options
› Priority Investment Programme (PIP): (i) present and justify the phasing of the PIP; (ii) detailed programme description and cost estimates; (iii) procurement and implementation strategy and (iv) identify capacity building needs at the Companies and propose measures to best meet these needs
› Financial Analysis: (i) financial analysis of the Companies; and (ii) financial model and economic analysis for the Project; (iii) financial audit and conversion of financial statements into IFRS
› Environmental and social assessment (ESA): (i) screen the Project proposal against the EBRD’s Environmental and Social Policy (“ESP”) and EIB’s Environmental and Social Standards (“ESS”) and associated Performance Requirements (“PRs”) to confirm the project category (A or B); (ii) review the various studies and baseline data available from the Client and carry out a site visit; (ii) prepare a high level ESA focusing on key risks and impacts; (iii) Environmental and Social Audit; and (iv) prepare Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and Non-Technical Summary (NTS);
› Resource Efficiency Assessment: (i) identify and analyse raw materials, energy and water efficiency measures and production optimisation opportunities; and (ii) Resources Measurement and Monitoring Management System (“RMMS”); and
› Project Management: (i) Identification of key stakeholders; and (ii) arrangement and holding of the regular consultation and coordination meetings with relevant key stakeholders.

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