Project Description

Project Name: Faizobod Water and Wastewater Project – Feasibility study
Country: Republic of Tajikistan
Period: 04/2017 - 10/2017
Client: EBRD, Faizobod Water Company
Provided services description:
to prepare a comprehensive Feasibility study in order to define a bankable Project (EBRD’s financing) for Faizobod Water Company for improving water and wastewater services in the City. Investment Programme: The proposed PIP in the total amount about EUR 3.7 million is focused on complex reconstruction and modernisation of water supply facilities of Faizobod Town, construction and modernisation of water supply systems in 11 neighbouring rural settlements and reconstruction of existing wastewater treatment facilities of Faizobod Town. It includes the following components:
› Reconstruction of water mains (9.6 km), Main Clean Water Tanks (2 nos.) and water distribution networks (5 km) in Faizobod town;
› Reconstruction of underground water intake;
› Construction of water mains to connect rural settlements (9.3 km), reconstruction and construction of networks in rural settlements;
› Modernization of existing wastewater treatment facility.
Main activities:
› Technical appraisal of the Company’s water and wastewater systems.
› Comprehensive environmental and social review of the Company.
› Definition of a Long Term and the Priority Investment Programme (PIP).
› Technical and financial assessment of the defined PIP.
› A Procurement and Implementation Strategy including detailed plans for the contracting, financing and implementation of the Project.
› Detailed financial analyses of the Company and the project confirming the feasibility of the Project.
› Environmental analyses of the Project and an Environmental Management Plan for the Company.

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